This is the 7th or 8th Easter Egg hunt at Nanna and Gramps. As usual along with Molly, Nigel, Atticus and Olallie were Continue reading “Easter Egg Hunt 2017”
Category: Family
Family stuff
Visiting My New Grandson
In February I flew to Chicago, met up with my mom and we drove her car 800 miles to Georgia to see my son Zach and meet his wife Tara, step daughter Ella, and my new grandson Chance Panek. Our little road trip Continue reading “Visiting My New Grandson”
Charlie’s first snow play
I took Charlie and Ben up to the Yuba Gap turnoff on 80 so they could play in the snow, near Lake Valley Reservoir. Although it was rather trampled Continue reading “Charlie’s first snow play”
Christmas 2016
We had a special Christmas this year with Jamie and Angela coming up from LA to spend the weekend with us. One of the events was going sledding in Continue reading “Christmas 2016”
Nightmare before Thanksmas
This year we celebrated our annual family gathering, referred to as Thanksmas, in Lake Oswego (near Portland). And since it was nearer to Halloween we called it Continue reading “Nightmare before Thanksmas”
Autumn Walk
Last Sunday we all went to Nevada City to get some photos of the fall leaves. As it turned out, most trees had just begun changing so we went for a walk along the NID ditch instead. What a nice path it is, winding thru the entire Nevada City area. Charlie got a chance to burn up some of that puppy energy and was good enough to be allowed off his leash for part of the way. Anyway, here is a little video and a couple photos I took of the day.
Charlie, the White Tornado
On August 25th I had the pleasure of meeting the newest member to our family, Charlie. A ten month old poodle mix (possibly with Maltese) that Kate brought home while I was camping. What a sweet surprise. When I walked into the bedroom, where she had him stashed, he barked and backed away from me. Growling a little. So I just took my shower and changed and went about my business until he felt comfortable enough to say hello. We have been best buddies ever since. And Ben, Charlie just adores him. Follows him everywhere. And Ben, acts like the protective grandfather to Charlie, so gentle with him. So sweet to see. Here are some photos and video before Charlie got his hair cut. We had to do it because his long hair was a magnet for stickers in the neighborhood and so difficult to get out. Once the weather changes his longer hair will be perfect. He is just the sweetest little guy, very loving and a real cuddler, but a real ball of energy, curious about everything he sees.
A Visit with Mom
As always, Kate and I had a wonderful visit with my Mom in August. A very relaxing time with lots of laughs, good conversation and joy. We even saw a terrific movie starring Meryl Streep, Florence Foster Jennings. My Mom and I laughed so hard. It was hilarious and yet very sweet. I wanted to take some movies of my Mom telling us about her youth, but we managed to only get a little bit of it. I have a long way to go making any kind of documentary video as you can see from below.
70th Birthday Event
Kate threw me an amazing party to celebrate another decade gone by. My 70th birthday. She had sushi, special cocktails, tons of hordeurvres and just did a fantastic job planning this thing out. She also got me a new GoPro Hero 4 Silver as a gift which I got to try out all night long. Below is the resulting video. Great piece of equipment.
There were eighteen of us, I was told. A perfect mix of friends.
Biggs Point at Loon Lake
This was our first trip to Loon lake this year and it was extremely sad. We lost our littlest member of our family, little Mr. Biggs, on 6/23/16, just the day before our trip. It was good however in that we got to process our grief through reflection on his wonderful life, and all the good times we all had. Continue reading “Biggs Point at Loon Lake”